Digital Immersion - iPads

Junior Primary Teachers and Learners


Manaiakalani 1:1 ipads Clarifying conditions for successful rollout in junior classes
iPad PLG 1:1 in Room 19

Manaiakalani iPad App for Blogger:

Manaiakalani iPad App: Pilot Information

1:1 iPad Rollout Info Year 1:

1:1 iPad Rollout with Year One

1:1 iPad Rollout Info Year 2:

1:1 iPad Rollout with Year Two

1:1 iPad Rollout Info Year 3:

1:1 iPad Rollout with Year Three

Getting started with iPads:

iPad PLG Resources

Year 3 iPad Skills Slideshow:

Year 3 iPad Skills

Stonefield's School - iPad 'Kawa of Care' Tips from the Learners

iPad Safety @

How to use iMovie on your iPad:

  • Slideshow with tips - notes and visuals
iMovie iOS7

Manaiakalani iPad PLG Notes - 2018:

2018 Term 1 Digital Immersion PLG

Export your EE project to Google Drive:

Export your Explain Everything project to Google Drive

Importing EE file from a folder on Drive:

Importing EE file from a folder on Drive

Attaching Explain Everything to a Google Account:

Attaching EE to a Google Account

Importing a Project File and Saving:

Accessing a project file from a class site:

Set Drive as your default App to open files:

Attach EE App to a Google Account:

Importing Google Slides (as a PDF) into EE:

  • Add interactive links/media in EE

Inserting external video into EE:

  • Always check copyright of video